
Noveny Herbal Eucalyptus Essential Oil, 100% Pure & Natural, Therapeutic Grade For Acne control, Hair Care, For Cold & Cough and Pain Relief


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The pungent, intoxicating and minty smell of Eucalyptus oil has cooling properties due to which it is used in Pain relieving ointments & Creams. It is also used to cure cold symptoms, heals wounds and provide respiratory health benefits.

Benefits of Noveny Herbal Eucalyptus oil

  • FACE CARE & ACNE CONTROL: Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that helps in controlling Acne.
  • MUSCLES PAIN RELIEF: It is antispasmodic and gives relief to strained muscles, re-energizes the muscles and helps in faster healing.
  • PROMOTES HAIR GROWTH: Helps in fighting against dandruff with its anti-fungal properties and keeps lice away as well.
  • FOR COLD & COUGH: Useful in clearing the throat and the nasal tract of the mucus and congestion.
  • 100% Pure & Natural, Premium Therapeutic Grade.


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The Therapeutic Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus oil has a minty smell with a hint of honey. Due to its cooling properties, it is found in mouth freshners and pain sprays. Eucalyptus oil is geat for body massage as it relievs strained muscles. Eucalyptus oil is antifungal & anti bacterial helps in hair & skin care. Used in cosmetics, beauty products, medicinal and aromatherapy applications.


Acne Control:
Mix Eucalyptus anti-bacterial oil with a little water or moisturizer to get rid of acne & cleanses the skin.
Promotes Hair Growth :
Mix Eucalyptus oil into carrier oil and gently massage on the scalp. Wash after an hour to get healthy hair.
Refreshing, Minty Aroma :
Add Eucalyptus oil to water for a room diffuser to make the air scented and surrounding aromatic.
For Cold & Cough:
Apply Eucalyptus oil on chest and rub to get relief from cold & cough.
Natural Pain Reliever:
Mix Eucalyptus oil with a suitable carrier oil for a relaxing massage and to relieve from muscles pain.

100% Pure & Natural
100% Pure & Natura
Made with Love & Care log
Made with Love & Care
Ethically Sourced
Ethically Sourced
Vegan Friendly
Vegan Free
No Preservatives
Paraben Free
Paraben Free
Not Tested On Animals
Not Tested On Animals
Sulphate Free
Sulphate Free
Anti Bacterial
Anti BacteriaL
Calming Floral Aroma
Skin & Hair nourishment
Refreshing, Minty Aroma
Relieves Cold & cough
Natural Pain Reliever
Natural Pain Reliever
About Eucalyptus Oil:

Eucalyptus was first used by the aboriginal people of Australia, they used it to heal wounds, treat body pains, colds, sinus, congestion and fever and gave it a name ‘Fever Tree’. Australia being the origin and the leading source of Eucalyptus oil, the Eucalyptus tree & its oil production spread to other parts of world. It was used by people for its disinfectant and antipasmodic properties in Chinese, Greek, European and Ayurvedic medicine. Eucalyptus oil is now very popular essential oil that is used in vapor rubs, rash creams, inhalers, mouth freshners, ointments, pain relief gel and sprays and in dental hygiene products. Eucalyptus oil is a purifying, cleansing, immune boosting & clarifying oil that is ideal to use on skin and in aromatherapy purposes. Eucalyptus oil has other benefits includes facilitates easy breathing, enhances feeling of relaxation, used in diffusers to calm surroundings, creates a refreshing feeling when used in massage, soothes stress & anxiety.

Storage and Precautions:

Noveny’s Eucalyptus Essential oil is of premium grade and manufactured carefully in our certified In-House R&D Institute named ATRIC(Ayuroma Technology,Research,Incubation & Innovation Centre). It has been extracted using the steam distillation method without the use of any chemicals. Always dilute essential oil with suitable carrier oils before using it for personal care. Follow the recommendation of a trusted expert or source for better results. For external use only. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Avoid contact with eyes. Check for allergies or sensitivity before use. If pregnant, nursing or under medical care, consult your doctor before use. Store in a cool, dry place.


Can I use Eucalyptus essential oil directly?

Eucalyptus Oil is an essential oil that means it is highly concentrated in nature so it should be carefully handled and always use after diluting with some carrier oils.

How does Eucalyptus Oil work?

Eucalyptus Oil has an intoxicating and minty smell that has cooling & calming properties due to which it is a natural pain reliever oil and is used in Pain relieving ointments & Creams. It is also used to cure cold symptoms, heals wounds, and provides respiratory health benefits.

What are the benefits of Eucalyptus Oil ?

The benefits of Eucalyptus Oil are following:

  1. Promotes Hair Growth.
  2. Face Care & Acne Control.
  3. Calming, Minty Aroma
  4. Natural Pain Reliever.
  5. For Cold & Cough.
Does Eucalyptus Oil really helpful ?

The Eucalyptus Oil has an intoxicating and minty smell which alleviates mood and calms strained muscles when massage. Eucalyptus oil is a purifying, cleansing, immune boosting & clarifying oil that is ideal to use for skin & hair care regime, pain-relieving gels, medicinal, and for aromatherapy purposes.

Why to use natural Eucalyptus Oil ?

Natural Eucalyptus Oil is extracted using Steam Distillation Method without the use of any chemicals. It is good in quality and helps in relieving muscles & body pain helps in glowing skin and shiny hair without any infection.

Can I consume Eucalyptus Oil?

Never. Noveny”s Eucalyptus Oil is only for External use. Essential oils are not edible. I will recommend that do not ingest Eucalyptus oil because of the high potency of the oil.

Should I blend Eucalyptus oil with other essential oil ?

Yes, Eucalyptus Oil blend with other essential oil. Although Eucalyptus oil is itself great when it mixes with other essential oil it gives an amazing result.

Here are a few combinations:
Lemon oil and Eucalyptus oil: This blend helps for treating muscle pain, rubs on the chest to relieve congestion & also use to repel insects & bugs.

Lavender oil and Eucalyptus oil: This blend is used in diffusers for its floral and minty aroma, medicinal purposes & helps in soothing tense nerves leads to restful sleep.

Rosemary oil and Eucalyptus oil: Helps in relieving stress, keeps you refreshed and concentrated, as well as stimulates blood circulation.


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